Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)


Waiting for a hungarian vizslas puppies! More info here.



National dog show Klatovy


Dollar Vives Bohemia - excellent 1, CAC. Finish GrandChampion CZ!!!

Fréa Vives Bohemia - excellent 2, Res. CAC

Achilles Eistereiber - excellent 1, CAC, National winner, BOB!!!

Lecher z Panských lesů - excellent 2, Res. CAC

Photo Štěpánka Kolářová.


!!!World dog show Milan 2015!!!


Or Kajan z Baštin - excellent 1/2, CAC,World veteran winner!!!

Nord Jokran - excellent 3/12 at champion class

Kappahegiy Édes - excellent 4/14 at young class

Gate Vives Bohemia - excellent 3/6 at young class

Thor - Eric C. Vives Bohemia - excellent 4/6 open class

Fréa Vives Bohemia - very good




Štěněčí info :-)

IMG 5134

Thus informed about current "puppy" events  from our kennel.


Puppies of german short poiners are all already in their new homes and we hope to do just happiness. We were really excited from the litter :-).

Atikka gave birth to label Yankee. At 11.6. borned seven beautiful gingers -  5 females and 2 males. More info at kennel Taremys Bohemica.


Dachshunds will not be. Bugina is not pregnant ... well let's see how the girl chooses her season in the fall or winter season .... but we probably will not mating her during hunting seson .... so I guess we'll try again in the spring.


A trip to Hungary would be successful under ultrasound and Doty is pregnant. So we can look forward to a litter of red ants :-). More info about this very interesting llitter here. We accept reservations!



Fox - exams

IMG 0348

Pinta od Štěpánského rybníka - come througt with all poitns!

Photo Klára Bubeníková.


Nordík zachodil pěkně a II.cenu z minulého víkednu si "opravil" na cenu I. s 474body a lesem v samých 4 :-)

Fantasticky si vedla Fréa, která teprve ve věku 16ti měsíců dokončila tyto nejvyšší zkoušky v I.ceně a 481body!!!

Na VZ v Litoměřicích zápolil náš Dollar a také potomek Arta - Bárny. Oba dokončili VZ v II.ceně (limitní známky) a stali se tak dalšími všestrannými ma´darky!

Moc gratulujeme všem a děkujeme za prezentaci hafanů
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