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New photos of foxterriers puppies


IMG_1196 Here  you will find a new pictures of small foxterriers. Celebrated 14 days. All have almost a  1 kilo, and eyes begin to open. They are currently rather "tortoise" than dogs .... they are so fat that they have a round little bodies and short legs sticking out the side :-). Next week, we look forward to the first visit to the future owners.


Mating Art and Toka



This weekend was our Art (Or Kajan from Bastin) suitors from Poland - Lenti Pepperoni Team. Everything went well and we hope that Toka will be pregnant. More information about this litter here.



Queen Tergy mating


misza4 This week we went for Misha (Misza Zielona Mchy). Mating and overlap went well and we hope that in a few weeks, we confirm the pregnancy. We take reservations for this litter. More info here.




Foxterrier puppy, photo of mating in Hungary 

023 We have 3 males and 1 female foxterrier puppy. First pictures here.

Here you can see photos from our trip to Hungary.




Bára od Varvažovského mostu was mated

2 Bára was mated by Szikra. Mating was no problem. We take reservations for puppies from this attractive litter.
More information here.




Foxterrier puppies

IMG_1538_1 So our Eliza Power Game was pretty "beckons" .... even though, on her terrier temperament detract :-). We were on  ultrasound and we counted seven puppies ... well we have to look forward to. More about this litter  here. We take reservations.


Vizsla puppies


Finaly Prima (Bara od Varvažovského mostu) began her season. Soon we'll go on a trip to Hungary for the mating. If everything goes as we can ... we can expect puppies at the end of May. More about this litter here.

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