Čeština (Česká republika)English (United Kingdom)


Ambra and her pregnancy

1 Ambra has slowly ends with "pregnancy". Everything runs smoothly. Mom nicely rolled out a "beckons". Puppies should be born a week. Let's see what nature brings... Some reservations we have, but potential customers in a puppy can contact us. More info about current litter H here.


 Prague Expo Dog - Double CACIB 2014

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GSP Nord Jokran - ecellent 1 , CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, Prague winner, BOB, BIG 4!!!
Serbian hound - Bleki od Cetinskog vuka - excellent 1 , CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, Winner of Prague, BOB
Vizsla Dollar Vives Bohemia - excellent 1 , CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, Winner of Prague, BOB
Bastien Vives Bohemia - excellent 1, CAC, Res.CACIB
Vizsla Fík Vives Bohemia - excellent 1, CAC
Fréa Vives Bohemia - excellent 2, Res. CAC
Foxterrier Pinta od Štěpánského rybníka - excellent 2
Nord Jokran - excellent 1 , CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOB, 
Serbian hound - Buba od Cetinskog vuka - excellent 1 , CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOB
Dollar Vives Bohemia - excellent 2, Res. CAC
Vizsla Bastien Vives Bohemia - excellent 2, Res. CAC
Fík Vives Bohemia - excellent 1, CAC, Res.CACIB
Fréa Vives Bohemia - excellent 2, Res. CAC
Foxterrier Pinta od Štěpánského rybníka - excellent 1

Dollar is Interchamion now! 


Nord Jokran Euroean Winner ... and more results from EDS2014

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GSP Nord Jokran, working class - excellent 1(7) CAC, CACIB, Euroepan winner 2014, BOB!!! (52GSP entered)
GSP Kappahegyi Édes, puppy class - very promissing 1, Eurpean Promise 2014

 Bardotte Bertoni Prague, working class - excellent 2 (6), Res. CAC
Fík Vives Bohemia, intermedium - excellent 2(8), Res.CAC
 Dixie z Héku, open class - excellent 3(14)
 Fréa Vives Bohemia, intermedium class - excellent 4(8)

Our progeny:

 Dollar Vives Bohemia, chamion class - excellent 2, Res.CAC, Res.CACIB(Res.Euroepan winner) - 117vizslas entered
MOK Eric C.Vives Bohemia,intermedium class - excellent 1(8), CAC (at Nationl show at Sathurady Res. CAC)
MOK Enzo F.Vives Bohemia, intermedium class - excellent 4(8), (at National show CAC)


Ambra is pregant

IMG 0134  The best news is that the mating of our Ambry and Yankee turned out great and we will look forward to early December of the second year's ginger gifts. This time it will be a litter H. More info about this link here. We take a reseravtions for a puppies from this litter.


O víkednu jsme ve Štěpánově zápolili s Nordem na VZ a stejně  i naši odchovánci maďaři Dollar a mladičká Fréa.

Nordík zachodil pěkně a II.cenu z minulého víkednu si "opravil" na cenu I. s 474body a lesem v samých 4 :-)

Fantasticky si vedla Fréa, která teprve ve věku 16ti měsíců dokončila tyto nejvyšší zkoušky v I.ceně a 481body!!!

Na VZ v Litoměřicích zápolil náš Dollar a také potomek Arta - Bárny. Oba dokončili VZ v II.ceně (limitní známky) a stali se tak dalšími všestrannými ma´darky!

Moc gratulujeme všem a děkujeme za prezentaci hafanů!
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