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Planned litter of ENGLISH SPRINGERSPANIEL! More info here.


Top dog 2013, Champion of champions 2013


Nord Jokran - Res.BIG in VII.FCI group, 5th place Top dog 2013 VII.FCI group!!


CACIB Golgów and IDS Trenčín

1616266 10201231206000560 2093013360 n

 Dollar and Deborah Vives Bohemia: Dollar exc. 1, CWC, CACI, BOB! Deborah získala výbrnou 1, CWC!

 Bella Bertoni Prague - CWC, CACIB and BOS. Championf of Poland

IDS Trenčín (SK):

Bert Bertoni Prague - exc.1,CAC,CACIB,BOS
Bella Bertoni Prague - exc.1,CAC,CACIB,BOB


Yankee is a father!

1536571 753230804687271 1190544709 n Our Yankee has a puppies -  10 - - 9 males and one female! All about this litter here or on web of kennel Z Panských lesů. Male puppy aviable!


Nord DKK 0/0


Nord Jokran dispasia results -  HD A


Foxterrier CLUB show, IDS Normiberk

IMG 9471

Our Dobroslav Vives Bohemia -  Slávekverry promissing 1. BIS puppy in show!


First shows


National dog show Brno
Nord Jokran:CAC,CMKU CAC,National winner, BOB, BIG 1 and BOD!!! Chamion CZ, Champion ČMKU!
Edir z Koldínského lesa - very promissing 1
Dollar Vives Bohemia - CAC,CMKU CAC,National winner! Chamion CZ!
Bella Bertoni Prague - CAC
Jánoš Gurdau - CAJC, BOJ

Foxterrier club show

Slávek(Dobroslav Vives Bohemia) - very promissing 1 , BIS puppy

Biscuit Vives Bohemia- very good 4, stud female

International dog show Nürnberg

Dollar Vives Bohemia - CAC VDH, CACIB

Deborah Vives Bohemia -  Res. CAC




Balance of 2013


So to summarize last year 2013. This year would very successful for us and our dogs, gave a lot of new ...

So, in brief:

- We had 2 litters of puppies - litter Hungarian Pointers ( 6 puppies) and Foxterrier litter (4 pups)

- We did 10 tests with 4 different dogs. From this we managed 5 x to win, 3 x the title CACT and 1 x Res. CACIT . 3 x was a all-round test .

- Our dogs attended a 9 exhibitions in the Czech Republic and 5 exhibitions abroad . From this, we managed 6 x BOB and complete two CHAMPIONS ....

- Our dogs participated 3 x hunts for ducks , 3 x fox hunting in the wild , we were 6 x hunts for phasants and rabbits and our " dragons " went 16 pig huntig

- Our pack has grown by 3 pointers , 3 Serbian Hound and 1 Foxterrier (this year we'll have fun :-))

- Great joy make us our offspring and babies of our breeding dogs who are actively participating in the tests and exhibitions with excellent results ! (! many thanks to all ! )

- What training is concerned, it's not even listing ... see loveckyvycvik.cz :-)

It was a beautiful , successful ... We hope that this year will be equally successful :-) . Thank  to all who help us , support , rooting , cheering , represent the CHS or "just" a loving family for our puppies ... :)


Drix z Blýskavé X Dubina od Petrboka

IMG 9979  Our Drix have a bride during a holiday - Dubina od Petrboka. We hope, taht puppies will be :-).


The welschspringer puppies will be in summer

 IMG 9772 We are soo sorry, but our Ennie is not pregnant. So puppies will be this summer. More info here.




Kara is pregnant

Kara-60 den brez 3  The second wife of Yankee is pregnant. More info here. Contact for breeder here.




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